Practice Task
If you appear to be stuck on the practice task and struggling to progress, this may be due to clicking the lightbulb and cog icons using your mouse. To continue, please make sure you are using the corresponding 'P' and 'Q' keys on your keyboard.
For example:
💡 When the lightbulb icon appears in the box, click the 'Q' button on your keyboard.
⚙️ When the cog icon appears in the box, click the 'P' button on your keyboard.
When you reach the level 'Direction', you will be asked to press either the 'Q' or 'P' depending on which way the arrow is pointing.
While it is tempting to try to move forward by clicking the icons with your mouse, please make sure you are using the corresponding 'P' and 'Q' keys on your keyboard.
For example:
⬅️ When the arrow in the center is pointing to the left, click the 'Q' key on your keyboard.
➡️ When the arrow in the center is pointing to the right, click the 'P' key on your keyboard.
If your responses are still not registering, we recommend using a different device. You can view our guidance on compatible devices and web browsers here: Which device should I use?
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