Once you have completed the assessment, you will receive a report providing you with informative feedback which allows you to discover more about your unique psychological characteristics, which we call ‘qualities’.
Your report is generated from the thousands of data points measured during the assessment and reflects the unique approach you took to complete each of the tasks. Our team of psychologists and neuroscientists take those decisions, and, informed by the latest research, are able to use that data to create a rich picture of all your unique qualities.
Inside the report, you’ll be given the opportunity to discover more about your individual ‘qualities’, learn how to interpret them, and understand how they translate to real-life situations. The ‘qualities’ presented to you will describe your unique approach to how you think, feel, behave, and see the world. Remember, every employer is looking for something different, so there are no right or wrong results!
How should I interpret my results?
In the feedback report, you will be shown each quality along with a brief explanation. This is to help you understand each one in a work context and show you how your assessment responses translate to real-life scenarios.
Along with this, you will be given a visual representation of each quality on our three-point scale. This puts your score in the context of the wider population.
If you land in the middle of the scale, this means you show a given quality in a similar way to the wider population.
It’s completely normal to land in the middle - most people do!
Landing on either end of the scale means you exhibit that quality slightly different from most people.
Different roles require different qualities. When it comes to your unique qualities, there’s never any right or wrong.
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